Download Newimage Cameras
Camera Live is a simple Titathink security cameras management software, including Live view, Records, Multi-view, Multi-record, Playback, Setup camera, etc. Also you can use this software to access the camera web application in a quick way. Camera Live is available on MAC, OS system, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
From the latest version of Android, Nougat — Capturing an image through a default camera is exposing a FileUriExposedException.Google has launched a more generic way in order to capture the image through a File Provider which reduces the risk of exposing a content:// uri to another application. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
Warning: This software is NOT compatible with Titathink clock camera TT531W/N and Titathink NVR kit TT900WK and TT12CN.
Download Camera Live software
The latest version of Camera live is Version 1.4, which released on 2018-10-10.
For Apple MAC OS System
Camera Live (English) | Download |
Camera Live (Deutsch) | Download |
Camera Live (Japan) | Download |
For Windows System
Camera Live (English) | Download |
Camera Live (Deutsch) | Download |
Camera Live (Japan) | Download |
The package is compressed to ZIP, decompress it before use.
Camera Live Software is available on:
- Windows platform, including Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
- Apple OS platform. Macbook, iMac, Macbook, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, MAC MINI, MAC PRO.
The old version of Camera Live
For Apple OS System
Version No.20141015 | Download |
Version No.20150906 | Download |
Version No.20161007 | Download |
For Windows System
Version No.20141015 | Download |
Version No.20150906 | Download |
Version No.20161007 | Download |
Download New Image Cameras Wireless
What are Camera Live used for?
Camera Live software is a software which designed for PC user. It is a simple Titathink IP cameras management software. User can use it:
- locally or remotely live view camera on PC device.
- Record and Snapshot.
- Multi-view and Multi-record.
- Playback the video and album stored in PC.
- Search camera and open camera web application to setup further settings in local area network.
Download New Image Cameras Best Buy
What is the difference between Camera Live and Camera Setup?
Camera Live software is a software which designed for PC user. It is a simple Titathink IP cameras management software, including Live view, Records, Multi-view, Multi-record, Playback, Setup camera, etc. You could use Third-Party software like Blue Iris, Dahua NVR, Hikvision NVR, Synology GUI etc instead of Camera Live software. From more information about Camera Live software, please see Camera Live Tutorial.
Camera Setup software is a simple setup software to assist user to get the IP address of camera so that user can access the web application easily. Through the web application page, user can setup further settings of camera, and watch live view and download the video file stored on SD card and so on. *NOTE: This software is just available on local area network. Now Camera Setup software’s features have been contained by Camera Live Software’s “Setup” panel, please see Camera Live Tutorial.
See the Tutorial of Camera Live software
Explore more information about Camera Live software, View the Tutorial
UPDATED TIME: 2018-11-12
Download New Image Cameras Software
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- -- Hold E when you shoot to automatically aimbot and the ESP is still a work in progress --
- local Torsoshot_Key = Enum.KeyCode.K
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Gui ='ScreenGui',game.CoreGui)
- local version = '1.0.1'
- HDown = false
- mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- Players = game:service('Players')
- function onKeyPress(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent)
- if HDown false and TDown false then
- print('[AIMBOT] Calculating closest player')
- local p = game.Players:GetChildren()
- local lowestplayer = nil
- if p[i]~=game.Players.LocalPlayer and p[i].Character~=nil and p[i].Character~=nil and p[i].TeamColor~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor and p[i].Character.Humanoid.Health >0 and p[i]'White') then
- local dist = p[i]:DistanceFromCharacter(,targetpoint.Y,targetpoint.Z))
- lowestdist = dist
- end
- end
- print('[AIMBOT] Targeting '..lowestplayer.Name)
- wait()
- local TPos = lowestplayer.Character.Head.Position
- cam.CFrame =,cam.CFrame.Y,cam.CFrame.Z),,TPos.Y,TPos.Z))
- end
- elseif inputObject.KeyCode Torsoshot_Key then
- TDown = true
- local targetpoint = mouse.Hit
- local lowestdist = 99999999999
- for i=1,#p do
- if p[i]~=game.Players.LocalPlayer and p[i].Character~=nil and p[i].Character~=nil and p[i].TeamColor~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor and p[i].Character.Humanoid.Health >0 and p[i]'White') then
- local dist = p[i]:DistanceFromCharacter(,targetpoint.Y,targetpoint.Z))
- lowestdist = dist
- end
- end
- print('[AIMBOT] Targeting '..lowestplayer.Name)
- wait()
- local TPos = lowestplayer.Character.Torso.Position
- cam.CFrame =,cam.CFrame.Y,cam.CFrame.Z),,TPos.Y,TPos.Z))
- end
- end
- function onKeyRelease(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent)
- HDown = false
- elseif inputObject.KeyCode Torsoshot_Key then
- end
- if player ~= Players.LocalPlayer and player.Character then
- local torso = player.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso')
- local base ='BillboardGui', workspace.CurrentCamera)
- base.AlwaysOnTop = true
- base.Size =,0,4.7,0)
- base.Adornee = torso
- esP.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
- esP.BorderColor3 =,0,0)
- esP.Size =,0,1,0)
- end
- for x,player in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
- if player.TeamColor ~= plr.TeamColor then
- if char then
- if torso then
- local playerName = player.Name
- if currentcam:FindFirstChild(playerName) nil then
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function createframe(bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex)
- newframe.BackgroundColor3 = bkgc3
- newframe.BorderColor3 = borderc3
- newframe.Name = name
- newframe.Position = pos
- newframe.Size = size
- newframe.ZIndex = zindex
- end
- local function createlabel(bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex, font, fontsize, text, textc3, textscaled, textstrokec3, textstroketrans, texttrans, textwrapped, xalign, yalign)
- newlabel.BackgroundColor3 = bkgc3
- newlabel.BorderColor3 = borderc3
- newlabel.Name = name
- newlabel.Position = pos
- newlabel.Size = size
- newlabel.ZIndex = zindex
- newlabel.FontSize = fontsize
- newlabel.TextColor3 = textc3
- newlabel.TextStrokeColor3 = textstrokec3
- newlabel.TextStrokeTransparency = textstroketrans
- newlabel.TextWrapped = textwrapped
- newlabel.TextYAlignment = yalign
- end
- local function createbutton(autocolor, bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex, font, fontsize, text, textc3, textscaled, textstrokec3, textstroketrans, texttrans, textwrapped, xalign, yalign)
- newbutton.AutoButtonColor = autocolor
- newbutton.BackgroundTransparency = bkgtrans
- newbutton.BorderSizePixel = bordersize
- newbutton.Parent = parent
- newbutton.Rotation = rot
- newbutton.Visible = visible
- newbutton.Font = font
- newbutton.Text = text
- newbutton.TextScaled = textscaled
- newbutton.TextStrokeTransparency = textstroketrans
- newbutton.TextWrapped = textwrapped
- newbutton.TextYAlignment = yalign
- end
- local function createtextbox(bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, clrtext, multiline, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex, font, fontsize, text, textc3, textscaled, textstrokec3, textstroketrans, texttrans, textwrapped, xalign, yalign)
- newbox.BackgroundColor3 = bkgc3
- newbox.BorderColor3 = borderc3
- newbox.ClearTextOnFocus = clrtext
- newbox.Name = name
- newbox.Position = pos
- newbox.Size = size
- newbox.ZIndex = zindex
- newbox.FontSize = fontsize
- newbox.TextColor3 = textc3
- newbox.TextStrokeColor3 = textstrokec3
- newbox.TextTransparency = texttrans
- newbox.TextXAlignment = xalign
- return newbox
- local function createimagelabel(bkgc3,bkgtrans,borderc3, bordersize, name, parent, pos, rot, size, visible, zindex, image, imagetrans)
- newimage.BackgroundColor3 = bkgc3
- newimage.BorderColor3 = borderc3
- newimage.Name = name
- newimage.Position = pos
- newimage.Size = size
- newimage.ZIndex = zindex
- newimage.ImageTransparency = imagetrans
- end
- -------------------------------INITIALIZE INTRO GUI-------------------------------------
- local IntroFrame = createframe(,245/255,245/255),0,,42/255,53/255),0,'IntroFrame',Gui,,-330,0,0),0,,300,1,0),true,1)
- --[[bar]] createframe(,245/255,245/255),0,,0,0),0,'bar',IntroFrame,,0,0,0),0,,30,0,90),true,1)
- --[[slant]] createimagelabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'Slant',IntroFrame,,0,0,90),90,,30,0,30),true,1,474172996,0)
- --[[creator]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'Creator',IntroFrame,,80,1,-40),0,,140,0,30),true,1,Enum.Font.Code,Enum.FontSize.Size28,'Symplicity',,42/255,53/255), false,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
- --[[creatorlabel]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'CreatorLabel',IntroFrame,,80,1,-70),0,,140,0,30),true,1,Enum.Font.Code,Enum.FontSize.Size18,'Made by:',,42/255,53/255), false,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
- --[[desc]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'Desc',IntroFrame,,0,0,120),0,,0,0,90),true,1,Enum.Font.SourceSansLight,Enum.FontSize.Size14,'Feel free to share, just give me creds :) The ESP was not originally created by me, I don't know who created it',,0,0), true,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
- --[[subtitle]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'SubTitle',IntroFrame,,-150,0,70),0,,300,0,40),true,1,Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,Enum.FontSize.Size32,'Aimbot/ESP',,42/255,53/255), false,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
- --[[title]] createlabel(,1,1),1,,0,0),0,'Title',IntroFrame,,-105,0,20),0,,210,0,60),true,1,Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,Enum.FontSize.Size60,'FPS',,42/255,53/255), false,,0,0),1,0,true,Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,Enum.TextYAlignment.Center)
- IntroFrame:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.5,true)
- IntroFrame:TweenPosition(,-330,0,0),Enum.EasingDirection.In,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.5,true)
- Gui:Destroy()
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(onKeyPress)
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputEnded:connect(onKeyRelease)
- while wait(1) do
- end